REBECCA OFFERS: privates, small group & public talks, classes & events
Heated Table/Thai mat or Chair MASSAGE
Functional Nutrition (FxNA) HEALTH COACHING
Private/Group YOGA & MEDITATION (individualized, hatha or flow, pre & post-natal, restorative, yin, arm balancing)
FITNESS (functional, fun & therapeutic, outdoor or in gym)
Wed-Sat (choose your 2 hours) $50/30 min (or) $1-$2/minute, sliding scale VENMO rebecca-briggs-22 (75 minute minimum) 401-533-0116 or FACE TIME/ ZOOM / SKYPE
w/ a program (or) a la carte
A healthy mix of food for your specific meal plans, green juice cleanses, snacks or supplements
Cooler items & prices vary, pending what you request & what you may already have at home. See all shopping lists with your programs
ALL BAG CHOICES ARE ANTI-INFLAMMATORY although individualized to meet needs. They contain energizing foods for your belly, brain & body. Below are Basic Bag Titles to be modified during your programs according to needs.
__ AUTO IMMUNE PALEO - See Elimination Diet & Paleo Keto Food bags. Good food choices for MS, arthritis, any '-itis, & neurological conditions (ADD, Autism, Alheizmers, Parkinson’s, Depression)
__ PALEO / KETO VEGAN- nuts, seeds, colorful plants, wild foods
__ PALEO KETO - Wild, chemical free & grain free plants including nuts, seeds, greens & colorful veggies, low glycemic, high fiber seasonal fruit; wild caught & grass fed, pasture raised animal foods
ALL HEALTHY DIETS NEED CERTAIN ESSENTIALS: Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Essential Amino Acids, Vital nutrients for functioning, aka “Vita”mins & minerals, as well as COLORFUL PLANT PHYTONUTRIENTS & FIBER, “HEALTHY” FATS* & “CLEAN” PROTEINS* to fuel and repair, regenerate & regulate the communication and functioning of one’s micro biome and cellular processes & organs, especially within your nervous, immune & endocrine/hormonal/metabolic & cardiovascular systems.
Bio-Individual Food Plans: everyone’s needs vary according to their genetic dispositions and epigenetic influential factors (environments, diets & lifestyle). When “getting healthy” these factors affect one’s micro biome, digestion, detoxification, homonal, metabolic & nervous & immune systems.
COOLER BAG FOOD & SUPPLEMENTS are a separate, variable cost to my HEALTH COACHING PLANS & accompanying e-books, recipes, postcards & journal which come with all plans. SEE BELOW PLAN BAGS
#1) Detox hOMe & Body Cleanse - 1-3 fresh, low glycemic, organic green juices; blood sugar stabilizing, healthy clean vegan pudding jars, w/ avocados, nuts, seeds, greens & olives, artichokes, coconut oil, MCT-C8, & Yerba Mate, Matcha, Turmeric Jamu, Mushroom Elixir Powders
#2) Grow A Healthy Gut - Powders & supplements for healing, sealing, seeding & feeding your GI tract.
#3) Elimination Diet - if you are unsure of what you are sensitive to, then this cooler pack will help, as it will provide only organic, nonGMO foods w/o common allergens (gluten grains, casein dairy, corn, soy, nuts, seed oils). It can also be adjusted to NOT contain “healthy” foods that may be triggers of inflammation. ( a GAPS Plan) NO: amines, glutamates, salicylates, oxalates, or FODMAPS (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides & polyols/alcohol sugars) NO: lectins common in legumes, beans, whole grains (oats, rice). No processed foods & beverages with chemical additives or added sugar. A gradual reintroduction of healthy versions of eliminated foods will be added back in & spaced for monitoring effects.
#4) Loose weight by shifting metabolism: to shift away from a high starch & sugar, processed diet to a high fiber, healthy fat & blood sugar stabilizing essential protein diet you need to satiate hunger & micro biome symbiosis while preventing spiking insulin & fat storage.
#5) JERF, “Just eat real food” - unprocessed, organic (or in clean 15), colorful, nutrient dense & deliciously prepared raw & cooked meal & snack foods.
#6) Mama & Baby Bags -
#7) Kids Pak -
"The Daniel Plan", 40 Days to a Healthier Life with faith, food, fitness, focus and friends.
Group program lead by Rebecca focusing on these 5 essentials.
1. FAITH in God's Creation Love your body as a spiritual vessel.
Trust your gut & innate wisdom; healing comes from within.
The body is self-healing, self-regulating & self-regenerating. Respect it's nutrient needs & calming breath & self love to heal.
2. FOOD that is real & whole, as close to Nature as possible
First, let food be thy medicine. Know & feel the difference between organic, healthy fats, clean proteins & colorful, fiber-rich plants, vs. the Standard American Diet (SAD).
3. FITNESS that you can sustain The best exercise is the one you will do! Find what you love & get help to remove the obstacles that hold you back from moving & getting outside!
4. FOCUS on daily & seasonal goals for all aspects of your life. Reflect, journal, & measure your progress. Keep your head & heart aligned & take steps now for a long, brain healthy life.
5. FRIENDS that support your intentions are key to healthy habit making & bad habit breaking. Join a fitness group. Challenge yourself to give, receive & grow. Laugh!